Welcome To

My World!

Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Investor, CEO and Founder of EBW Global Inc. and EBW Distributors, Former TV host, and Eternal Optimist. Follow alongside to get behind the scenes access as we build, lead with faith, and Empower a Billion Women.


Join the 

SHEconomy Project!

Be a part of the movement aimed at instituting the necessary action to create more…

Social, Health, and Economic impact for women.

The SHEconomy Project

“I find inspiration everywhere. Wherever I look, I see that anything manifested in life comes from an individual who was inspired to turn a passion into a reality- and who has the perseverance to make it through. That ‘make it happen’ attitude inspires me daily.”

— Ingrid Vanderveldt

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Be your best self, alone and with others, cultivate deep and lasting friendships and business relationships. Pre-Orders will receive an autograph copy of BE THE ONE and a 2-hour, 2-day Masterclass filled with knowledge, trade secrets and how to be the ONE with Ingrid Vanderveldt.


Get IN MEDITATION TODAY: “In faith ALL is possible”

Sign up here for my FREE inspired daily text messages to help kick off your day.

Learn the Secret to “Making the Impossible, Possible”.

Ingrid Vanderveldt (iV) has been named one of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 Global Leaders, ranked #1 “Super Connector” by Fast Company, and is the recipient of the Forbes & Northwestern Mutual Global “Entrepreneur in Excellence Award”. She has spoken in 30+ countries over the last 5 years on the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, finance and women’s empowerment.


There is no better time, no better place, and no better opportunity than now to show the world that it is possible to build a global future of innovative and sustainable economies where freedom of religion, belief and diversity are respected.


Give, Get, Grit, Commit.

For women to elevate, it takes a special combination of giving, receiving, hard work and commitment. My work is dedicated to helping you achieve your greatest goals and create the life and business you love.


“Getting behind the empowerment of women stimulates societies, entrepreneurs, job creation, accelerates revenue growth and develops inspiring and motivated leaders ”

— Ingrid Vanderveldt